Saturday, May 30, 2009

Cancer and Managing pH Levels

Nobel Prize winning research has shown that lactic acid and low oxygen levels allow cancer to thrive in our bodies, both of which are common when our pH levels are too acidic. There is a great deal written to promote neutralizing pH levels (7.0) in order to combat cancer and we have, in fact, posted many ideas on this blog regarding gaining stable pH levels.

However, there are those in the medical and alternative fields who advise changing our bodies’ pH to unstable but highly alkaline levels in order to completely act in opposite to high acid levels. Unfortunately, the methods that many individuals are suggesting to establish these alkaline levels contradict the basic laws of chemistry.

Many of these methods would have you ingest or drink alkaline substances that are around a pH of 11, 12, or higher. These are highly alkaline substances and it may seem logical that these substances might help change high acid levels of 4.5-5.8 to more alkaline levels and therefore combat cancer. Unfortunately, this is scientifically wrong as basic chemistry dictates that the closer two chemicals are alike in pH, the more they can influence each other. Generally, about 1 full pH point is about the largest difference in pH between two chemicals that will still have a great effect on each other ( i.e. a chemical of 6.3 will influence a 5.8 acid reading many times more than a 11 alkaline reading effecting 5.8 acid level!).

Therefore, it is wisest to work on changing high acid levels to weak acid levels (high acid-4.5/5.8 urine pH and weak acid 5.9/6.9 urine pH) and once you have finally achieved weak acid levels, take the next step to the stable and balanced neutral level of 7.0 (a balance between acid and alkaline). You can find a variety of methods for neutralizing your pH throughout this blog. Phosphorous will change high acid to weak, while baking soda in water (bicarbonate) can be used to change weak acid to neutral.

Note: Baking soda dosage can be dangerous. Read this blog carefully to review the dosages I have used for more than a decade on myself and investigate on your own by going to the Arm and Hammer baking soda website.

Treatments that attempt to get your urine pH levels to 7.5 or higher may not help you combat cancer as you think. A 7.5 level will likely lead to anemia, which is due to low acid levels in the body (alkaline pH). Anemia is likely to weaken you and your digestion. Fighting cancer by purposely developing anemia is not a tactic that we here at Restore Unity would recommend.

Incidentally, when you develop anemia your hydrogen levels drop in your body and this leads to a loss of red blood cells. This would likely lead to a reduction of iron levels which is associated a great deal with cancer, as cancer uses iron and iron creates free radicals in the body that can damage DNA and lead to mutated genes that lead to cancer cells. So reducing iron levels may be a key in the fight against cancer and getting to high alkaline levels might really only affect cancer due to the change in iron and not directly because of the change in pH.

If you are truly inclined to combat cancer, we might recommend blood donations. This should help your pH levels if you are acid, as giving blood will reduce the acid in the blood. Your iron levels will also be reduced, which should help you fight cancer.

In our opinion, treatments that attempt to reach alkaline levels in the bloodstream are inferior to simply giving blood donations which provide the same benefits by reducing iron levels and helping pH get more alkaline.

If you have cancer, consider blood donations if your iron is high (you can check with blood tests) or your pH is acidic. Learn how to measure your urine pH so you know what is going on with your pH levels to determine if your are acidic. Aside from blood donations this blog describes methods that can help you balance your pH levels. Also carefully consider the person who recommends cancer treatments that turn you into an anemic.

We also make one final recommendation regarding cancer. Pray for your soul and ask others to pray for you. We have seen this work first hand for a friend with cancer throughout the body and brain. A complete remission occurred and only all the prayers she received could account for this remission as far as we are concerned. You can find more information about prayer and cancer at our sister website Guardian Psychic. You will find a great deal of information on prayer and the type of prayer that will be heard in the spirit world. Good luck!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Sleeping pH

When we sleep, our oxygen levels drop (we take fewer and shallower breaths) which leads to a rise in acid levels. Yet, how much does our acid level change while we sleep? I have tested this out on myself for years and find that my level usually drops about ½ a point during sleep. One of the things we point out in this blog is the importance of attempting to discover the truth of things. You’ll often find that proper action follows in the wake of truth. If we allow ourselves to strictly rely on others, we must trust their information and if they are wrong, we are usually the only ones who suffer the consequences.

Fortunately, there’s a simple way for us to discover how much our pH levels change while we sleep! In previous posts, we discussed the use of litmus paper (pH strips) to measure body pH levels. By measuring our urine pH level before bedtime and upon our first morning urination, we can discover for ourselves if our pH levels become more acid in our sleep.

Interestingly, I have observed (by asking other people to check out their pH levels while asleep) that individuals with alkaline or neutral levels of pH do not appear to experience this increase in acidity. People with Alkaline levels, as discussed previously, are low in acid and often anemic, while those with Neutral levels possess a stable balance between acid and alkaline levels in the body. I have found that weak or strong acid levels get more acidic after sleep. If you are a high acid person to begin with, then becoming more acid during the night is not ideal as it can make your body more susceptible to a variety of ailments.

If you check out your pH levels and discover you are weak acid or strong acid (these values are reflected on the pH strips after you measure your urine), then you should consider eating more alkaline foods and less acid foods in the evening. Additionally, you can use the baking soda protocol we have described before on this blog. Take about a 1/8th to 1/4th teaspoon of baking soda in water 20 minutes after a meal. Your stomach needs acid to digest the food but by waiting to ingest the mixture until 20 minutes after a meal, you alkaline the stomach, while still giving it a chance to digest your food.

The second thing I do is to take a small amount of baking soda and water again at bedtime to help combat the acidic changes of sleep. I use 1/8th teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. You should realize that baking soda is a strong chemical in the body, becoming bicarbonate when mixed with water, and be careful to never overdo on baking soda and water after meals and at bedtime.

I do one other nighttime protocol for acid. I eat an orange! Now every book and every lecture I have ever heard says vitamin C is acid and can wear out the enamel of your teeth. I have made two discoveries on my own. The first is that when I measure pH after eating oranges, the pH levels of my saliva and urine actually become more alkaline! If vitamin C is such a strong or even weak acid, why does my saliva pH become more alkaline? Secondly, as I have discussed previously in this blog, I once took high levels of oral vitamin C during a time after I had become infected with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and my enamel never suffered.

The acidity of Vitamin C and oranges may not matter when we eat these foods and mix them in our saliva. It appears from my own self testing of saliva pH that saliva may have properties that neutralize the acid and actually gives the vitamin C in the mouth alkaline properties.

It is important to remember that not all people are acidic. Some have ideal pH levels while others are alkaline. In these cases, you don’t need to worry about your acid levels falling while you sleep. On the other hand, if you already possess weak (about 6.0 to 6.9) or strong acid (about 5.9 to 4.5) levels, then you don’t want to suffer a half point drop during sleep, as this will raise your total acid balance to about 5 times greater in the morning than when you went to sleep. Remember that a 1 point change in pH adds about 10 times more acid, so a ½ point change in pH will add about 5 times more acid! These kinds of acid levels can be very bad for us, as we know many conditions such as cancer thrive in acid conditions.

My protocol to combat night time drops of pH levels is the following:

1) Baking soda protocol after supper.

2) Eating alkaline vegetables or fruits in the evening, but usually vegetables.

3) Using the baking soda protocol at bedtime, but usually not exceeding a 1/8th teaspoon dose.

Once again you will need the pH strips or a roll of litmus paper to check out your own readings of your body pH. You can use this information to evaluate intelligent paths of action to best help your body balance pH. I have come a great distance in finally achieving a 7.0 urine pH levels (the ideal level). For years I was averaging 5.8-6.2 levels and on bad days (where I would eat horrible or over exercise) my pH levels would drop below 5.5! It took me nearly 9 years to get the balance I have now. I have learned how much and what types of exercise can exert terrible changes in pH that can last for days, what foods can change pH in a heartbeat, how much my pH can become more acidic when I am stressed, how much one bottle of coke can drop pH, and so on. You can all learn anything you want regarding keeping your own pH levels balanced. You just need to carry around a roll of litmus paper and monitor and self-observe your pH levels at various times in the day and night. You will discover for yourself what is true for you. I have put many of the lessons I learned for myself in this blog, lessons that took almost a decade to learn.

Keep it simple and learn what works for you!