Friday, March 6, 2009

Fast Relief from Colds and Flu!! (Pt. 2)

At the first hint of infection or sickness, I make sure to take Olive Leaf Extract, which acts as a natural antibiotic. I have not found a supported recommended dosage so I have managed to invent my own via years of trial. First of all, I treat Olive Leaf Extract exactly like an antibiotic. I take it for the length of my symptoms and then add seven days beyond that point to guarantee that most of the bacteria are destroyed. Once I have stopped using Olive Leaf, I won’t use it again until I am sick to retain its potency and prevent the development of resistant bacteria. I take a high dosage of 10 or more grams a day because I have found no evidence that it is toxic and have done so for ten years without any side effects.

During the seven day period after my symptoms have ended, I usually start winding down the dosage. As a side note, some people may experience what is known as Herxheimers Reaction, which may give one the feeling that the symptoms are temporarily worsening. This is most likely a sign that the Olive Leaf Extract is working! This is due to a detoxification reaction that results from the death of so many harmful germs so quickly. If this should happen, consider decreasing your dosage by half for three to four days and increasing your water intake to as many as four glasses between each dose.

Another important step I take is to increase my ORAC units to 10000 per day. In a previous blog post regarding ORAC, it was noted that Tufts University studies have shown that a man needs about 3000-5000 ORAC units per day. I reason that when we are sick we need more ORAC units and therefore increase my levels during a sick period. I drink a high ORAC juice blend for my ORAC supplementation.

My final tip involves the supplement N-Acetyl-Cysteine (N-A-C) which serves many purposes, one of which being the reduction of mucous. As I mentioned before, I once was sick with Rocky Mountain spotted fever. I almost died, and the thing that almost killed me was mucous. The Rocky Mountain spotted fever led to a major increase in my mucous production. I had to sleep in a reclining chair for three nights because I couldn’t lie down without being choked with mucous. I kept taking large amounts of everything mentioned in this article including drinking lots of distilled water. You wouldn’t believe the amount the dosages I was taking. In the end, it was the N-A-C which served to relieve me of my most vicious symptom which was too much mucous.. Whenever you’re affected by an illness that leads to a large amount of mucous build up, I strongly recommend you think of N-A-C.

There are many other supplements and herbs you can take to help your body fight sickness. I usually add a few others depending on the specific condition. The supplements I mention above serve as my special fighters against any condition. Good luck.

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